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血友病 WFHの蔵書一覧

タイトル 出版社 作者 発行日 電子
The Treatment of Hemophilia Orthopedics Marvin S. Gillbert, M.D WORLD FEDERATION OF HEMOPHILIA
The Treatment of Hemophilia Physical Therapy in Hemophilia Donna C.Boone,R.P.T. and Carol D. Spence,R.P.T.WORLD FEDERATION OF HEMOPHILIA 不明
The Treatment of Hemophilia Surgery in Hemophilia Louis M.Aledort,M.D. Peter H.Levine,M.D.WORLD FEDERATION OF HEMOPHILIA
The Treatment of Hemophilia Comprehensive Care For the Person with Hemophilia Shelby L.Dietrich,M.D. WORLD FEDERATION OF HEMOPHILIA 不明
The Treatment of Hemophilia Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Paul Clement,B.S., M.A. March 1998 No.12
The Treatment of Hemophilia Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Hemophilia: Assessment of Risk Bruce Evatt Hematologic Disease Branch National Canter for Infectious Diseases Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Atlanta, Georgia,USA January 1999 No.15
The Treatment of Hemophilia Dental Care in Hemophilia Bruce E.Evans,D.M.D. editor WORLD FEDERATION OF HEMOPHILIA 不明
The Treatment of Hemophilia Desmopression(DDVAP) in the Treatment of Bleeding Disorders:The First Twenty Years Pier Mannuccio Mannucci, MA Angelo Bianchi Bonomi Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Institute of Internal Medicine IRCSS Maggiore Hospital University Feburuary 1998 No11
The Treatment of Hemophilia Gynecological Complications in Women with Bleeding Disorders Renee Paper R.N., C.C.R.N December 1996.No.005
The Treatment of Hemophilia Hereditary Plasma Clotting Factor Disorders and their Management Carol K.Kasper,M.D., Professor of Medicine WORLD FEDERATION OF HEMOPHILIA September 1996 No.004
The Treatment of Hemophilia Home Therapy for Hemophilia A physician's Manual WORLD FEDERATION OF HEMOPHILIA17 不明
The Treatment of Hemophilia Inhibitors in Hemophilia: A primer Donna DiMichele,M.D. June 1997 No.007
The Treatment of Hemophilia Manufactured Shoes and Orhopaedic Shoes Lily Heijnen, M.D. WORLD FEDERATION OF HEMOPHILIA March 1996, No.001
The Treatment of Hemophilia Musculoskeletal Complication of Hemophilia:The Joint Marvin S.Gilbert,M.D. March 1997 No.006
The Treatment of Hemophilia Perspective of Haemophilia Carriers Jennifer Ross, AO EXECUTIVE Director, Haemophilia Foundation Australia and Member of the Executive Committee, World Feeration of Hemophilia September 1997. No.8
The Treatment of Hemophilia Perspective of Haemophilia Carriers Barbara Mailing Hemophilia foundation of Michigan October 1997 No.9
The Treatment of Hemophilia Primary Dental Care of Patients with Haemophilia Dr. Barry Harrington, School of Dental Science, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. WORLD FEDERATION OF HEMOPHILIA June 1996,No.003
The Treatment of Hemophilia Protocol for the Treatment of Hemophilia and von Willebrand Disease Hemophilia of Georga U.S.A October 1998 No.14
The Treatment of Hemophilia Suggestions for the Management of Factor VIII Inhibitors Alan R.Giles(Kingston, Ontario) December 1997, No.010
The Treatment of Hemophilia Your Child & Hemophilia A manual for Parents Enid F. Eckert,R.N. WORLD FEDERATION OF HEMOPHILIA 不明


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